Harnessing the Power of Paid Social Media Ads: Clickflame Insights

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, social networks paid ads have emerged as a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies. These targeted advertising solutions can fundamentally alter the trajectory of brand engagement and consumer reach online. In an era dominated by social media, leveraging paid advertisements on these platforms goes beyond mere presence-it’s essential for penetrating markets and connecting with audiences on a deeper level.

The importance of social media advertising is magnified as millions flock to these platforms daily. From startups to established enterprises, companies are recognizing that the potential impact of beautifully crafted ad campaigns can translate into significant brand growth and nurtured customer relationships. It is not only about exposure but also about sparking conversation and converting interactions into transactions.

This introduction peels back the curtain to reveal how Clickflame’s insights offer a powerful lens through which businesses can harness the full spectrum of opportunities presented by social media advertising. Equipped with industry experience and data-driven strategies, Clickflame provides a roadmap for brands looking to chart their course through the nuances of paid social media promotions.

As we delve into the potential that lies within cultivated ad spaces across various networks, we’ll explore how precision, creativity, and analysis unite to propel businesses forward in today’s hyper-connected world.

The Evolution of Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising has come a long way since the inception of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Initially, these platforms were created to connect people with their friends, family, and professional contacts. Over time, given the vast user base and the amount of time people spend on social media, these platforms have evolved into powerful marketing tools for businesses of all sizes.

The Rise of Advertising on Social Platforms

At first, brands used social networks merely as an extension of their customer service or to build brand awareness through organic reach. However, the potential for targeting specific audiences based on user data soon became apparent. Businesses began to leverage social networks paid ads to promote products and services more directly to those who might be interested in them.

One significant milestone was the introduction of Facebook Ads in 2007. This feature allowed targeted advertising based on a user’s profile information, which was a game-changer for digital marketing.

The evolution continued as these platforms started refining their algorithms; this meant that brands could no longer rely solely on organic reach to connect with their audience due to decreased visibility. Paid advertising became almost essential for businesses seeking visibility and engagement from their target audience within the noisy social media landscape.

User Behavior Influencing Advertising Strategies

The ever-changing patterns of user behavior have significantly influenced how advertisers approach social media campaigns. As users became savvier and more selective about the content they consume online, advertisers had to adapt by creating more personalized and engaging ads rather than just promotional content.

This shift also coincides with increased mobile device usage; advertisements needed to be adjusted not only in format but also in messaging so that they would catch attention quickly on smaller screens. Furthermore, analytics tools have improved drastically over the past decade, enabling advertisers to gain deeper insights into user interaction with ads so that they can optimise future campaigns effectively.

Current Trends and Future Predictions

In recent years we’ve seen a surge in new formats such as Stories features on Instagram and Snapchat or short videos on TikTok that require an even more creative approach from advertisers wanting to capture users’ fleeting attention spans. Additionally, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are enhancing targeting precision further still – opening up opportunities for hyper-personalization in ad campaigns.

Looking ahead, it is expected that we’ll see continuous growth in video content along with evolving influencer collaborations that appear less advertorial and more content-driven. Social commerce is also beginning the journey towards becoming fully integrated within social networks – transforming them from simply advertising channels into end-to-end shopping experiences.

Clickflame’s insights shed light on these ever-evolving trends because understanding where social media advertising came from helps foresee where it’s headed next – empowering businesses to stay at the forefront of innovation when reaching out to prospective customers through paid ads on social networks.

Understanding Different Social Networks Paid Ads Platforms

In the realm of digital marketing, understanding and leveraging various social networks paid ads platforms is critical for any business looking to expand its reach. Each major social media network provides unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to advertising, with different user bases and engagement patterns.

For example, Facebook offers a diverse audience with granular targeting options, while Instagram emphasizes visual content and stories that can be highly engaging for a younger demographic. Twitter’s strength lies in its real-time conversational nature, making it ideal for timely promotions or news-related content.

  • Facebook: Known for its extensive targeting capabilities based on interests, behaviors, demographics, and more.
  • Instagram: Focuses on high-quality images and videos; offers story ads and influencer partnerships that are especially popular among millennials and Gen Z.
  • Twitter: Excelling in the immediacy of engagement; suited well for short-form content and sparking conversations around trending topics.
  • LinkedIn: The go-to platform for B2B companies with ads targeted by profession, job title, or industry.
  • Pinterest: Great for brands with visually appealing products; users commonly look for inspiration which leads them down the purchase funnel.
  • TikTok: The newest player which has seen explosive growth among younger audiences; features short video format content that encourages viral trends.

Familiarizing oneself with each platform’s unique advertising features is crucial as they dictate how marketers should craft their messages and design their campaigns. For instance, Facebook Ads Manager facilitates comprehensive campaign customization including placement choices across the Facebook suite like Instagram feed or Messenger.

On LinkedIn, businesses can use Sponsored Content to build brand awareness amongst professionals or Sponsored InMail to deliver personalized messages directly to users’ inboxes. Meanwhile, Pinterest’s Promoted Pins blend seamlessly into the user’s search experience without being obtrusive.

To select the most appropriate platform or combination of platforms for your campaign objectives and target audience requires careful consideration. Aligning platform selection with campaign goals involves evaluating where your audience spends most of their time online and what kind of content resonates best with them.

Clickflame’s tools aid businesses in determining these key elements to maximize the effectiveness of their social networks paid ads strategies. Understanding not only where your audience is but also how they interact within each network sets a strong foundation upon which robust advertising strategies can be built.

Crafting Your Social Media Advertising Strategy

In the realm of digital marketing, crafting an effective social media advertising strategy is crucial for businesses to connect with their audience and achieve marketing success. Establishing clear marketing objectives is the first step in this process, as it dictates the direction of the campaign and ensures that all efforts contribute to meaningful outcomes.

Whether a business aims to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost sales, having specific goals can help in measuring success and aligning tactics accordingly. Clickflame insights emphasize the importance of setting SMART objectives-those which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound-as they provide clarity and a structured path forward.

When addressing the target audience’s behavior on social networks paid ads platforms, it’s essential for businesses to delve deep into understanding who their customers are and where they spend their time online. Demographics such as age, gender, location, income level; psychographics like interests and values; plus user behavior patterns-all play a role in tailoring an approach that resonates with the intended audience.

Businesses need to be acutely aware of when their target users are most active on social media platforms and how they engage with content. With these insights garnered, Clickflame recommends utilizing intricate data analytics provided by each social network to segment audiences effectively and create personalized ad campaigns that capture attention.

Developing a content strategy comes next-this should not only resonate with your audience but also align seamlessly with your brand messaging. Content is king in social media advertising as it defines what brands communicate to their potential customers. The key lies in creating compelling narratives presented through eye-catching images or videos while ensuring consistency across various touchpoints in order to maintain brand identity throughout customer interactions.

It’s important for advertisers to leverage storytelling within their content strategy because stories create emotional connections that can lead to higher engagement rates. Clickflame insights point out that well-crafted messages tailored for different segments of your audience based on behavior analysis contribute significantly towards increasing conversion rates from social networks paid ads campaigns.

Budgeting for Social Networks Paid Ads

Paid advertising on social media is as much about managing your budget as it is about crafting compelling ad content. When businesses begin exploring the possibilities within social networks paid ads, one of the most critical decisions they will encounter is determining how to allocate their financial resources effectively.

The strategies for setting an advertising budget are diverse, tailored to different business sizes, goals, and industries. Understanding the various payment models available across platforms can guide advertisers in sculpting a budget that not only allows for campaign execution but also optimizes return on investment (ROI).

There are several key payment models that dominate the realm of social media advertising:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC) – where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
  • Cost Per Mille (CPM) – which translates into cost per thousand impressions or views of your ad.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) – where payment is based on the user taking a specific action such as signing up or making a purchase.

Savvy marketers often blend these models depending on their campaign objectives. For instance, brand awareness initiatives may favor CPM to maximize exposure, while campaigns aimed at driving specific consumer actions may lean towards CPA or CPC models. This flexibility enables brands to align their spending with desired outcomes more closely.

Analytics dashboard showcasing the success metrics of Social Networks Paid Ads campaigns

Beyond choosing a payment model, there are practical tips for maximizing ROI within a focused budget frame. Strategies include:

  1. Gradual Scaling: Begin with a modest budget to test different ad sets before scaling up spend on high-performing ads.
  2. Audience Segmentation: Target your ads meticulously by segmenting audiences to avoid wasting money on uninterested parties.
  3. Seasonality and Timing: Schedule increased budgets during periods of higher engagement or seasons pertinent to your product or services.

Evaluating and re-evaluating performance should be an ongoing process. Data analytics can reveal which aspects of an ad campaign resonate best with its intended audience, allowing funds to be redirected towards the most effective strategies and creative elements.

By applying these principles along with insights provided by Clickflame’s experienced professionals, businesses stand a better chance at successfully managing their online ad investments and achieving substantial returns. Whether you’re running campaigns for widespread reach or niche engagement methods like retargeting or lookalike audiences, understanding how to invest in social networks paid ads shrewdly can make all the difference in today’s competitive digital marketplace.

Creative Elements That Drive Ad Engagement

Impact of Visuals on Ad Performance

Visual content is a cornerstone in social media advertisements. It has been found that visuals significantly impact user engagement rates, since the human brain processes images much faster than text. A compelling image or video can grab attention instantly, setting the stage for the viewer to absorb the ad’s message more fully.

Clickflame places a heavy emphasis on high-quality and relevant visuals that align with brand messaging and are tailored to the preferences of the target audience. When it comes to social networks’ paid ads, a picture may be worth more than a thousand words-especially if it encourages viewers to stop scrolling and take action.

Creating engaging visuals goes beyond just selecting topical images; it involves understanding the psychology behind color usage, composition, and branding elements. For example, certain colors can evoke specific emotions in viewers that enhance the ad’s message-from trust sparked by blue tones to excitement induced by red hues. Moreover, consistency in visual branding helps reinforce brand recognition across different platforms, leading to higher retention rates among audiences.

Headlines and Calls-to-Action That Convert

While impactful visuals attract initial attention, well-crafted headlines and calls-to-action (CTAs) are key components that convert interest into results. The headline is often what persuades a user to continue reading or engages them on an emotional level-be it curiosity, excitement, or solving a problem they face. Effective headlines tend to be concise yet provocative enough to prompt further exploration from readers.

Once an individual’s attention is secured via imagery and headlines, CTAs play their part in guiding users toward taking a desired action such as signing up for a newsletter, visiting a website, or making a purchase. Clickflame emphasizes clear and compelling CTAs within paid ads across social networks; they understand that even great visuals won’t convert without clear instruction on what steps viewers should take next.

Utilizing strategic language specific to each platform also plays into this-while ‘Shop Now’ might resonate effectively on Instagram given its visual shopping features, ‘Learn More’ can often engage LinkedIn professionals who are looking for greater depth before committing time or resources.

The Power of a/B Testing in Ad Creatives

A/B testing is integral when aiming for high engagement rates within your advertising campaign efforts. By creating variations of ad creatives with different combinations of visuals and copy, advertisers can identify which versions resonate best with their target audience. Clickflame advocates rigorously testing various elements including imagery styles-whether photographs versus illustrations-or changing up key phrases within headlines or CTAs.

The insights gathered from these tests inform better decision-making moving forward-not only do they refine current campaigns rapidly based on real-time feedback but they also assist in sculpting more effective future campaigns from inception. For instance, discovering through A/B tests that your audience prefers ads highlighting customer testimonials might nudge you towards prioritizing those formats in subsequent ad creatives.

Regularly applying A/B testing ensures your social network’s paid ads remain fresh and engaging as trends evolve and audience preferences shift over time. Armed with data-supported knowledge about what drives user interaction will place businesses at an advantage when navigating the competitive digital advertising landscape.

Analyzing and Interpreting Ad Performance Data

Key Performance Indicators to Focus On

One of the cornerstones of a successful social networks paid ads campaign is the vigilant tracking and analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics give marketers invaluable insights into how their ads are performing in terms of engagement, reach, conversion rates, and overall ROI.

Common KPIs to track include click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS). Monitoring these figures closely helps in building an effective feedback loop where campaigns are tweaked and optimized based on actual performance data rather than assumptions or averages.

Essential Tools for Tracking Paid Ad Performance

To accurately gather ad performance data, businesses must utilize a variety of tools that align with their chosen platforms’ native analytics as well as third-party software. Platforms like Facebook Ads Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager offer detailed metrics that analyze user interactions with your ads. However, integrating these platforms with external analytics tools such as Google Analytics can providea deeper dive into post-click behavior – revealing what users do on your website after engaging with an ad.

Additional tools like UTM parameters enable precise tracking of traffic source efficiency. Leveraging these technologies enables advertisers to pinpoint exactly which aspects of their campaigns are driving results and which need reevaluation.

Pivot Your Strategy Based on Data Insights

The process of analyzing ad performance is not simply about collecting data; it’s about turning those numbers into actionable insights that can improve future campaigns. For instance, if an ad has high impressions but low CTR, it might indicate that while the content is reaching a broad audience, it’s not resonating enough to provoke clicks. This insight could lead to A/B testing different creatives or refining target audiences.

Similarly, by assessing conversion data against different demographics or interests segments, advertisers can identify high-value user groups and increase bids for those segments or create tailored content aimed at increasing conversions among them. Data-driven decisions empower businesses to continuously refine their approach rather than relying on static strategies which may prove less effective over time due to changing platform algorithms or shifting user behaviors.

Advanced Targeting Techniques

When delving into the realm of social media advertising, understanding and implementing advanced targeting techniques is crucial for reaching the ideal audience efficiently. Advanced targeting allows advertisers to pinpoint specific segments of users who are most likely to engage with their content. This tailored approach maximizes ad relevance and optimizes campaign expenditures.

The array of targeting options available across various platforms is quite comprehensive. For instance:

  • Demographic Targeting: Allows you to target users based on age, gender, education, job title, and other demographic information.
  • Interests and Behavior Targeting: Enables you to reach users based on their interests (such as hobbies or favorite entertainment), purchase behaviors, device usage, and more.
  • Location-Based Targeting: Ensures your ads are shown to users in specific locations from countries down to local neighborhoods.

Retargeting campaigns form another cornerstone in advanced targeting strategies. These campaigns specifically target individuals who have previously interacted with your brand-whether they visited your website or engaged with a piece of content. By reminding these users about your brand through retargeted social networks paid ads, there’s a higher likelihood of converting past interest into present action.

For businesses striving to expand their customer base while retaining a resemblance to their current clientele, leveraging lookalike audiences can be a key tactic. Many social media platforms permit advertisers to upload data about existing customers and then use that data to find new users with similar profiles. This strategy taps into the network’s algorithms to identify potential customers who share characteristics with those already interested in your products or services.

Effective use of advanced targeting techniques is not only about the immediate impact but also contributes significantly to campaign learning and future optimizations. For instance, by analyzing which segments respond best, businesses can continually refine their approach for better results. Furthermore, Clickflame’s insights suggest that combining multiple layers of targeting – such as demographics with user behavior – often creates highly potent campaigns personalized for various audience niches.

The Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Social Media Ads

In the ever-evolving arena of online marketing, the ethical and regulatory aspects of social media ads have become increasingly important. As businesses venture into the realm of social networks paid ads, they must remain cognizant not just of their advertising goals, but also of the legal and moral implications that come with targeting potential customers on these platforms.

Privacy concerns have been escalating with the rise of digital data collection, prompting both users and policymakers to call for greater transparency in how personal information is utilized in ads.

Social media platforms now offer robust tools for advertisers to target users based on a vast array of data points, from basic demographics to complex behavioral patterns. However, this capability raises questions about user consent and data protection.

Advertising policies on each platform are frequently updated to address such issues, often in response to regulatory measures like GDPR in Europe or the California Consumer Privacy Act in the US. Companies need to stay informed about these changes and ensure their ad campaigns comply with all applicable laws while also respecting user privacy.

Maintaining trust with your audience is paramount when utilizing paid advertising on social networks. Consumers are more likely to engage with brands that they believe operate honestly and respect their online space. Advertisements should be clear about what information is being collected, how it’s being used, and provide easy options for users to manage their preferences or opt-out altogether. Transparency not only satisfies ethical and regulatory standards but can also enhance brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Regulation Aspect GDPR Ccpa
Scope Applies to all companies processing data of EU residents Applies to for-profit businesses operating in California handling personal information
User Rights Data portability, right to be forgotten, access requests Opt-out rights for third-party data sales, access requests
Fines/Penalties Up to €20 million or 4% annual global turnover – whichever is higher $2,500 per unintentional violation; $7,500 per intentional violation

Or Statutory Damages Between $100-$750 Per Consumer Per Incident

This juxtaposition highlights how navigating these regulations requires careful strategy – one that balances effective engagement through targeted advertising while abiding by stringent guidelines aimed at protecting consumer rights.

Mastering Social Networks Paid Ads

The realm of social networks paid ads presents a landscape filled with opportunities for businesses to amplify their brand message and reach precisely targeted audiences. Clickflame has curated a repository of proven strategies that have consistently delivered successful outcomes for campaigns across various industries and platforms. By possessing an in-depth understanding of each social network’s nuances and advertising algorithms, Clickflame offers a wealth of expertise that can dramatically improve the performance and efficiency of paid advertising efforts.

One critical aspect of mastering social media ads is the ability to iterate and optimize based on data-driven decisions. Clickflame emphasizes the importance of not only monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) but also knowing how to interpret them to fine-tune ad campaigns continually.

This analytical approach ensures that every dollar spent on ads works as hard as possible towards achieving the desired business goals. From narrowing down audience targeting to refining ad creatives, a granular approach leads to better conversion rates and higher overall ROI.

To illustrate the effectiveness of such strategies, several case studies highlight the successes managed by Clickflame in the realm of social networks’ paid advertising. These examples underscore how tailored strategies catered specifically to client needs led to noteworthy campaign achievements such as increased lead generation, improved sales figures, and enhanced brand recognition. Furthermore, these case studies present actionable takeaways that businesses can implement in their own ventures into the world of social media ads.

Campaign Objective Outcome With Clickflame Strategy
Increased Lead Generation 25% Rise in Qualified Leads
Enhanced Brand Recognition 40% Increase in Brand Mentions
Improved Sales Figures 30% Growth in Online Sales

Engaging with Clickflame’s expertise not only includes deploying curated adverts but also harnessing comprehensive insights on optimizing campaigns through every phase-planning, launching, managing, and analyzing-to ensure continuous improvement and success in leveraging social networks’ paid ads effectively.


Embracing the ever-evolving landscape of paid social media advertising is not just about jumping on a trend; it’s an investment in the future of your business. As digital spaces become more crowded and competition intensifies, the importance of developing strategic social networks paid ads cannot be overstressed.

Companies that recognize and adapt to the changing tides by incorporating insightful data-driven strategies will position themselves for growth and relevance in their respective markets. Clickflame’s insights play a pivotal role here, guiding businesses through the complexities of this dynamic environment.

The potential for expansion through paid social media ads appears boundless as platforms continue innovating ways for brands to connect with audiences. With sophisticated targeting capabilities and an array of ad formats, businesses have unparalleled opportunities to tailor their messaging and create impact like never before.

Continual learning is crucial; staying informed on platform updates, emerging ad types, and shifts in user preferences allows companies to pivot their strategies effectively. By keeping a keen eye on these evolving elements, businesses can seize opportunities to stand out among competitors fiercely vying for consumer attention.

To stay ahead in this competitive world, it’s essential for businesses to strike a balance between tried-and-tested practices and experimental approaches. The integration of new features such as augmented reality ads, shoppable posts, or conversational bots into traditional campaigns could well define the next wave of innovation in social media advertising.

Leveraging Clickflame’s proven strategies offers companies a blueprint for success, harnessing powerful insights from specialized analytics tools and industry expertise that can dramatically heighten ad performance. Embracing these resources translates into crafting engaging campaigns that not only resonate with target demographics but also drive measurable outcomes.

Key Consideration Strategic Action
Adaptation to platform changes Regularly update campaign strategies based on new features and audience behaviors.
Balancing ad approaches Mix proven techniques with innovative ad formats to maintain engagement.
Leveraging expert insights Implement Clickflame-guided practices tailored to specific business goals.

As we look toward what lies ahead, it’s clear that harnessing the power of paid social media marketing will remain integral for brand visibility and conversion success. It is not about fearing change but embracing it wholeheartedly-focusing on continuous improvement rather than settling for stagnant methodologies-a strategy embodied by Clickflame’s forward-thinking approach.

Call to Action

In the pursuit of leveraging the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, it’s clear that social networks paid ads hold a position of critical importance. Organizations striving to foster growth and enhance their online presence cannot afford to ignore this potent tool. To truly excel in this arena, aligning yourself with knowledgeable experts who can navigate through the complexities of social media advertising is essential-and this is where Clickflame comes into play.

By partnering with Clickflame, businesses have the opportunity to tap into a deep well of expertise that has been honed through various successful campaigns. The personalized strategies developed by Clickflame are tailored to meet unique business needs and objectives-whether you’re seeking to expand your brand’s reach, engage with a niche audience, or drive robust sales conversions. Starting off on this journey with Clickflame means taking an informed step towards impactful advertisement endeavors that promise tangible outcomes.

To set these wheels in motion, taking that first step is straightforward-you’re invited to consult with Clickflame’s team of seasoned experts. Doing so will open up pathways not only to bespoke advertising strategies but also continuous education on evolving ad trends and platform updates to keep your approach fresh and competitive.

Join Clickflame’s burgeoning community today for an ongoing exchange of tips, insights, and updates that will empower your social media marketing pursuits. With Clickflame at your side, the potential of paid social media advertising will be fully realized as you propel your business forward in today’s fast-paced online marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Social Media Paid Ads?

Social media paid ads are a form of advertising where businesses pay to display their promotional content on social media platforms. These ads can be targeted based on user demographics, interests, behaviors, or location, helping advertisers reach their ideal audience more directly and with greater precision than organic social media marketing.

Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Paid Advertising?

The best social media platform for paid advertising can vary depending on the target audience and the product or service being advertised. Facebook is widely recognized as one of the most versatile platforms due to its large user base and advanced targeting options.

However, Instagram is favorable for visual products, LinkedIn is ideal for B2B marketing, and TikTok can be beneficial for reaching younger audiences.

What Is Paid Social Advertising Example?

An example of paid social advertising could be a sponsored post by a fashion brand appearing in the Instagram feeds of users who have shown interest in fashion-related content.

This post would typically contain eye-catching images or videos along with promotional text and often a call-to-action button that encourages users to shop or learn more about the product.

How Effective Is Paid Social Media Advertising?

Paid social media advertising has proven to be an effective way for businesses to reach specific demographics, drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and generate leads or sales. The effectiveness depends on various factors such as ad quality, targeting accuracy, budget allocation, and the overall marketing strategy alignment with business objectives.

Are TikTok Ads Paid?

Yes, TikTok ads are paid commercials that allow businesses to promote their products or services on the TikTok platform. Advertisers use these ads to engage with a predominantly young audience through creative video content that blends seamlessly into the native TikTok user experience.

What Is the Difference Between Paid Social and Social Ads?

Paid social refers to any marketing effort on social media that involves payment to ensure increased visibility and targeted reach of content; this encompasses diverse ad formats such as banner ads, sponsored posts, or influencer partnerships.

On the other hand, ‘social ads’ could refer broadly to any advertisements placed on social media channels whether they are paid or not but commonly refer specifically to those that are part of a paid campaign.

What Are Paid Ads on Instagram?

Paid ads on Instagram are promotional content that businesses pay for so it can reach a wider audience beyond their followers base. They appear in different formats including stories ads, photo ads, video ads, carousel ads (multiple photos or videos), collection ads (a catalog format), and explore ads (they show up when users browse the explore section).

These adverts incorporate targeting options allowing brands precise control over who sees their content.

What Are Paid Ads?

Paid Ads encompass all forms of advertising which require payment from advertisers to display their promotional messages across various mediums like television radio print online platforms search engines websites and within apps They include various types ranging from PPC campaigns traditional commercial slots billboards digital banner impressions email marketing sponsorships other direct placements where explicit funds exchanged placing advertisement seen intended audiences